Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Family survives without government aid!

      In the picture above a family arrives at the rim of the Grand Canyon.  They have survived 5 days and 4 nights in the wilderness without government oversight, supervision, campaign adds, cell phone signals or taxes.   How did they survive?  
    What if the power of the government could actually be used to free people from despair?  What if legislation actually could eradicate poverty?  What if the government had the power to change the hearts and minds of people and give them a reason to live fully and bountifully?  Then the big government party would need to stop those initiatives BECAUSE it would reduce the dependency the big government party needs!
    We in fact have a dysfunctional government run by a big government party that NEEDS a dependent class to be elected.  That means we have a government that requires people to be unemployed and discouraged and for small businesses to be squashed (those small business owners are, after all, TEA party types and must be harassed).  A big government party has a vested interest in having people homeless, in despair and dependent on government.  The big party government, with wonderfully stated intentions, secures the loyalty of the individual to the government while ALSO creating the conditions needed for dependency and despair!
     The result of one party big government is non-participating and discouraged workers, rampant unemployment, suppressed businesses, depression and suicide.  Those who decide to live know they need the government.  
    More dependency and more blame! That is the answer?
    It takes real courage to be a truth speaker to those in power.  There are questions that are very uncomfortable for those who vote for the big government party with the honorable intentions of "helping the poor".   In this video Mr. Guillary bravely shares the realization that 40 years of big government party control over the area he has lived in actually seems to have made things worse!  Only genuine courage can ask questions that make those in power uncomfortable.  This man is truly courageous.

Wow.  Possibly we will have an awakening of those being used to empower the big government-business party!  The exasperation in the video below understands the link between a vibrant economy healthy communities and families.

     The problems of poverty are actually much deeper than a material deficiency.  The problem of poverty is not, alone, defeated by providing all material needs for some temporary time period.  There is the heart and spirit of the human that must be addressed.  Government is unable to address anything of depth.  Pray for the courageous who daily make decisions to put off the pleasures of now for the good of eternity!

You may be interested in some commentaries below:
  Blame Republicans because it works!
  Does our big government truly help families?
  Perpetuating Poverty with the Wrong Solution
  Is our big government a wonderful healthcare provider?
  Why does healthcare matter to those who want freedom?
  Does forcing employers to pay a certain minimum wage help?
  How a government truly can enrich everyone! 

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