Thursday, March 24, 2016

Commentary: Does Everyone Need Insurance?

     There are people who can live life without fear, anxiety or health insurance.   There exist people (myself among them) who would prefer to be left alone and allowed to face life without the help that insurance companies or the government desires to impose.   In fact there are some who think that there is ample evidence is to conclude that insurance can often do harm by financing treatments that are ineffective, are focused on symptoms and even those that actually harm.
       This story details how good insurance can nurture sickness for the sake of profit rather than cure.  Many tens of thousands of insured victims have similar stories.

       Jaye sought help for depression and she thought how lucky she must be to have generous insurance policy that could help pay for her care.  A psychiatrist and "expert" in "trauma" arranged for her insurance sponsored hospitalization.  Over a period of many months the doctor and hospital provided care, counseling, medication and restraints when needed during the nurtured emergence of horrid memories.  When the insurance ran out Jaye was discharged.  The medications stopped.  The mind cleared.  The " repressed memories" faded.   Jaye realized that the memories were never true and that her father was a good man.

My name is Jaye

It is common to desire perfect parents.  Like most, I yearned for all knowing, protective, caring, nurturing Mommy and Daddy to shower me with unconditional love.  This unrealistic desire was much like feeling warm fuzzies at the mere thought of Santa Claus as a child.  Santa's round belly, puffy pink cheeks, soft white beard, and contagious chuckle came close to the ideal father.  Dr. Stratford, my new psychiatrist, resembled Santa Claus and had the same charming disposition.

My role as a psychiatric patient began with the naïve idea that unyielding depression would be alleviated if I followed Dr. Stratford's treatment regime.  Desperate for relief, I failed to ask questions regarding his specialty, professional credentials, clinical experience, success rate, and treatment plan.

Unbeknownst to me, Dr. Stratford was considered an expert in repressed memory therapy and in the diagnosis of multiple personality disorder, which has since been redefined and renamed dissociative identity disorder.  Dr. Stratford's area of expertise led him to believe my depression was caused by buried memories of child sexual abuse.  I, therefore, had unwittingly become a patient of repressed memory therapy after agreeing to a short hospital stay under his care.

Treatment plucked me from home and sequestered me in a psychiatric hospital in a large city an hour away.  My lucrative job as an administrator was placed on hold; my social life and friends in community theater were avoided, and graduate school ended.  My relationship to family methodically began to fold after Dr. Stratford explained that buried memories could not surface unless I was free of family influence.  When he claimed depression was caused by events I could not remember his theory made sense because medication and talk therapy had been unsuccessful.  Dr. Stratford's novel approach to a very old problem seemed logical.

Disconnected from everything I loved and held dear, I was seduced by lavish attention from my charming doctor who was accessible twenty-four hours a day.  Nurses and attendants became mommies and siblings of sorts.  The hospital was home and a skewed sense of family was created after I assumed the role of dependent, little-girl patient.

It was 1986, and it was fashionable to seek psychotherapy.  The counseling environment offered an opportunity to find an external source to blame for personal difficulties, incompetency, failure and fear while basking in the warmth of a loving psychotherapist.  Dr. Stratford and I embarked on a course of treatment that focused on this blame game which I practiced with abandon.  I based the cause of depression on sexual torture rather than faulty biochemistry.  By this time, I had been sequestered for months, separated from family and friends, was high on narcotics, lacked sleep, ate poorly, was isolated on a locked unit from the general patient population, and often tied to a bed by leather restraints as a means to deal with horrific memories.

Dr. Stratford oversaw treatment in a gentle, kind, loving, and devoted manner.  When restraints and narcotics were ordered to help me cope with the bizarre content of new memories, I viewed the act as a display of concern and affection.  I trusted Dr. Stratford with my life and the goal was to have faith in the process of therapy so I could triumph over depression.

Old memories of the father, who raised me by working hard five days a week to provide for our family, quickly receded.  My Father, who had sent me to church camp, who had provided piano and dance lessons, who mowed the lawn and cleaned the swimming pool in the heat of summer, who taught me to drive and paid for my college education, was accused of nefarious acts.  The content of newly recovered memories became paramount while facts that countered them were disregarded.  Dr. Stratford eagerly stepped in as the emotional Daddy he believed I needed.

As years passed I became totally dependent upon Daddy Stratford and my hospital family.  It was not until insurance monies ran out, and I was discharged immediately, that I understood the truth of my role as psychiatric patient.  I had been the source of income for many mental health professionals - nothing more.  When I was destitute and in poor health due to the severity of treatment, no one from the hospital came to rescue me, no one helped me find a new apartment, no one called by telephone to ask how I was, and no one came to visit.  With a mind clear of narcotics, I was alone with the realization that my true family had not abused me and my hospital family, on the other hand, had used, and then discarded me.

Daddy Stratford returned to Dr. Stratford.  My Father carried on as my Father - which is the way it should have been all along.

How My Psychiatrist Became "Daddy" 
Jaye D. Bartha 
author, Orphan of the Memory Debate 

Obtained from:

NOTE:   This retraction is a rare example of integrity and courage.  Many live with the false memories their entire lives and rob their children of grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles.  Losing contact at a time when the children most benefit from the contact.
 If you are seeking help for personal struggles and a therapist, counselor or friend says that "recovering childhood memories can help you get better" then IMMEDIATELY get up from your chair (or off the couch), run to the door, open it and flee. Hundreds of thousands have lost families, years of productive living and squandered immense wealth with tragedy inducing therapy that produces horrid false memories, splinters families, isolates the client and is documented to cause decline in mental health.


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